Course Language: English
optimiza tus finanzas empresariales para tomar el control de tu dinero CON SOLO 5 MIN AL DIA
CON el SISTEMA dinamiza QUE hace el 99 % del trabajo por ti
Descubre el método que permite a los dueños de negocios más exitosos tener claridad en sus números, AUMENTAR SUS GANACIAS y eliminar el desorden financiero.
Sin tener conocimientos de finanzas, ni formulas complicadas ni pagar contadores poco experimentados.
Pruebalo sin riesgo - Garantía de devolución de dinero de 7 días
Johan Molina - Fundador de Syngular
"Estoy inmensamente agradecido con Hugo por revolucionar nuestra infraestructura financiera en Syngular. Su intervención nos ha permitido optimizar nuestras finanzas, mejorando la toma de decisiones y aumentando nuestras ganancias y control financiero."
Aprenderás a distribuir de la mejor forma los ingresos y gastos de tu negocio digital, asegurando que cada centavo se invierta sabiamente y evitando el desperdicio de recursos.
Descubrirás cuánto capital debes reservar para alcanzar tus objetivos financieros empresariales en el menor tiempo posible, garantizando el crecimiento sostenible de tu negocio.
Conocerás la cantidad exacta de dinero que debes destinar a inversiones estratégicas, comenzando a construir una base sólida de riqueza para ti y el futuro de tu empresa.
Revisa tus números al instante con gráficos que te detallan todo tu negocio y toma buenas decisiones gracias a un sistema que te permite ver lo que realmente estas ganado.
Dashboard de análisis todo en uno (Revisa tus números al instante, cuanto realmente estas ganando)
Imagina tener toda la información clave de tu negocio en un solo lugar. Con nuestro Dashboard de Análisis Todo en Uno, puedes visualizar de manera intuitiva tus ingresos y gastos financieros. Este tablero interactivo te permite tomar decisiones informadas al instante, con gráficos y datos en tiempo real que simplifican la gestión de tu negocio.
Plantilla de presupuesto 2024 ( Optimiza tu finanzas y alcanza tus metas)
Planifica tu futuro financiero con confianza. Nuestro Registro de Presupuesto 2024 te ayuda a establecer metas claras y alcanzables tus próximo objetivos. Con herramientas de seguimiento, puedes ajustar tu presupuesto conforme avanza el año, asegurando que siempre estés en el camino correcto.
Plantilla consolidado 2024 (Toda la información mes a mes de tu negocio)
Centraliza toda la información financiera de tu negocio en un solo lugar. El Registro de Consolidado 2024 te proporciona una visión completa de tus finanzas, integrando datos de todas las áreas de tu negocio. Esto te permite tener una comprensión profunda de tu situación financiera y detectar oportunidades de crecimiento y áreas de mejora.
Registro contable automatizado (listo para Negocios digitales)
Ahorra tiempo y reduce errores con nuestro Registro Contable Automatizado. Este sistema se encarga de registrar todas tus transacciones financieras de manera precisa y automática. Olvídate de los errores humanos. Con nuestro sistema, podrás dedicar más tiempo a hacer crecer tu negocio y menos tiempo a gestionar la contabilidad.
El Sistema Dinamiza es intuitivo y te convierte en un experto en tus números, guiándote paso a paso con tutoriales profesionales de sistema financiero. ¡En solo 5 minutos al día, tendrás el control total de tus finanzas!
¿Sueñas como llevar tu negocio a mercados internacionales? Conquista el mercado más lucrativo del mundo con esta masterclass que te ayudará a conocer las bases estratégicas para escalar tu negocio digital.
Te revelamos todo el proceso paso a paso de una estructura de negocio digital, desde la planificación inicial hasta la implementación efectiva, mostrando casos de estudio reales. Aprende a optimizar recursos, automatizar tareas y escalar tu negocio digital de manera eficiente.
¡Además Ingresa HOY y recibe estos Bonos 100% GRATIS!
Accede a una masterclass exclusiva donde aprenderás estrategias esenciales para gestionar y optimizar las finanzas de tu negocio digital, impartida por Hugo Dávila quien tiene una larga trayectoria ayudando a empresas y emprendedores de todo el mundo.
Obtén una colección de plantillas y herramientas financieras descargables, diseñadas específicamente para simplificar la gestión de tus finanzas y ayudarte a tomar decisiones informadas.
Únete a una comunidad vibrante de empresarios digitales donde podrás compartir experiencias, obtener asesoramiento y colaborar para impulsar el crecimiento de tu negocio.
Precio Normal: $525 USD
Precio Oferta
Hoy con 99% de DSCTO:
$9 USD
Eduardo Ardila - Fundador de Efecto Tsunami
"Gracias a Hugo, hemos revitalizado nuestra estructura financiera y organizativa en Efecto Sunami, lo que ha potenciado nuestras ventas y motivado a nuestro equipo, permitiendo un crecimiento sustancial basado en decisiones informadas y datos precisos."
Johan Molina - Fundador de Syngular
"Estoy inmensamente agradecido con Hugo por revolucionar nuestra infraestructura financiera en Syngular. Su intervención nos ha permitido optimizar nuestras finanzas, mejorando la toma de decisiones y aumentando nuestras ganancias y control financiero."
Brayan - Trafficker y Estratega Digital, Fundador de Trafficker Pro
"Agradezco a Hugo por la reestructuración clave en nuestra gestión financiera y organizativa, que transformó mi empresa de estar solo a liderar un equipo de 14, escalando significativamente la productividad y expansión de Trafficker Pro."
Hola soy Hugo Dávila, ingeniero industrial especializado en finanzas, durante más de 17 años he pertenecido al sector financiero y cooperativo de mi país, Colombia.
Durante estos años he ayudado a solucionar situaciones financieras que se pueden llegar a presentar en empresas pequeñas, medianas y grandes. De esta forma puedo decirte que sé cómo analizar cualquier situación financiera y convertirla en el plan perfecto para que tu negocio pase a un siguiente nivel, en donde logres tener total control de tus ingresos y puedas ser el dueño que tu negocio necesita.
Porque Hugo es un empresario con varios negocios de éxito, normalmente sus mentorías están valorizadas en 3k usd y ahora esta entregando este conocimiento porque su misión es ayudar a otros a alcanzar el éxito financiero.
Inmediatamente después de tu compra, recibirás un correo electrónico con el acceso al área de miembros donde podrás descargar las plantillas, ver los cursos y bonos, comienza ¡Hoy Mismo!
Las plantillas las tendrás disponible en formato para Google Sheets y Excel.
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They are a Thousand courses out there, none of them are so inspiring,helpful, and enjoyable as cinematic composing! It’s worth every penny!Thank you for being a part of this big family🙂
“These courses have been a fantastic experience thus far. I'm already learning more than I ever could. It's far superior than just searching for online tuts. This course is all a hit!.”
Whether it’s a film, TV show, video game or music production, the information you will learn in this class is very valuable and will be useful for the rest of your career.
Transform your life in 5 days. Become a composer. Starting from 0 knowledge.
Spend about 1 hour per day. Be a composer by the end of the week.
I’ll hold your hand as you compose your first song and I’ll take you step by step. One day at a time. One challenge at a time.
And we’ll do this in a practical way. We’ll keep it simple and we won’t overthink it. I’ll put it simple for you. You just need to watch a 30 minutes lesson and put about 30 minutes of effort each day.
DAY 1- You’ll write your first mini-piece of music. Just using chords. You’ll learn how to use harmony effectively.
If you don’t have a studio yet, you’ll learn how to set up a basic studio to start composing and download the first sounds to get started.
The whole thing will take less than 1 hour!
Day 2- You’ll write your first (or next) piano sketch. I’ll show you the “right” way of doing this so you can orchestrate it with instruments tomorrow.
This will take less than 30 minutes.
Day 3- You’ll orchestrate yesterday’s sketch with instruments (strings, percussion, etc). You’ve composed your first mini-song! Your first piece of music!
This is easier than you think and it will take less than 30min!
Day 4- You’re improve your composing system so you can compose faster the next time. You’ll download some free libraries (I'll tell you exactly which ones) and you’ll build a basic template that will supercharge your composing workflow.
Day 5- Compose your next piece of music. This time it will be even faster than the last time
You have a system. You have the knowledge. You’re a composer!!
Whether it’s a film, TV show, video game or music production, the information you will learn in this class is very valuable and will be useful for the rest of your career.
“These courses have been a fantastic experience thus far. I'm already learning more than I ever could. It's far superior than just searching for online tuts. This course is all a hit!.”
They are a Thousand courses out there, none of them are so inspiring, helpful, and enjoyable as cinematic composing! It’s worth every penny! I'm so happy to be part of this big family! 🙂
- Establishing Your Workspace - VALUE $137
Discover the tools you're going to need and how to set them up to get the most efficient workflow. Your keyboard/controller, your interface, what DAW to use... and how to set them up for speeeeed! 🚀
- Orchestral Programming - VALUE $151
Learn about some basic REVERB types and discover how best to use them to help pull your various libraries together and ADD DIMENSION TO YOUR SOUNDS. Learn about STEMS and TEMPLATES.
* All contents included in the POWER PACKAGE VERSION
Learn what are my favorite libraries to achieve a Cinematic Sound... (HOLLYWOOD knocks on your door!!! :P )
- Establishing Your Workspace
Discover the tools you're going to need and how to set them up to get the most efficient workflow. Your keyboard/controller, your interface, what DAW to use... and how to set them up for speeeeed! 🚀
- Production highlights
VALUE $151
Learn about some basic REVERB types and discover how best to use them to help pull your various libraries together and ADD DIMENSION TO YOUR SOUNDS. Learn about STEMS and TEMPLATES.
* All contents included in the POWER PACKAGE VERSION
Learn what are my favorite libraries to achieve a Cinematic Sound... (HOLLYWOOD knocks on your door!!! :P )
- Composition for Film: a Study of Styles - value $497
- Library Music: Create Passive Income Streams - value $497
- Music Theory & Composition Master - value $497
- MARC JOVANI´s TEMPLATE - value $47
- MAKE YOUR FIRST $10.000 - value $47
- JOB SHADOWS - value $97
- 12 REDUCED SCORES - value $37
Great team, great people, always want to get you high again and again.I'm really really happy to see positives things in this group and really proud of being here.From about last November(2020), I've progressed a lot. Thank you, guys. You're making my dreams come true. ❤
"If you’ve been looking for real world, workable answers and solutions on how to set up and structure an effective film composition recording and production environment this is the course for you. Film composer Marc Jovani cuts to the chase on setting up workable templating, the pros and cons of many popular sound libraries, best practices for mixing and mastering along with tips on how to handle the variety and complexity of requests you will encounter this business. Marc’s passion for film scoring is only surpassed by his desire to educate both aspiring and established composers to be the best and most competitive music professionals they can be."
I'm enrolled in the Cinematic Composing course and I'm actually learning a lot. I didn't know Daw, so I emailed and was immediately advised. I know that this walk I'm taking in my studies, is very important, since we are in the digital age. I am a professional musician and knew very little about this subject. Thank you for enjoying this course
I have been studying orchestration for years. Everything is comprehensive and the instructors respond quickly when asked questions. I will be signing up for more courses in the future!
Gracias a este curso he encontrado la soltura que necesitaba para empezar a dominar la composición para orquesta.
In personal experience this is one of the best composition course around the internet... I like the way topics are explained with energy and passion!I really recommend this fantastic course.
I have started courses with Cinematic Composing, and I have already learned new techniques that I am already using in my music and I see many more to come. The materisl is consise, presented at a good pace, the instructors are great, the resources plentiful and the value makes it worth the investiment of time and money.
The course is very comprehensive in different topics that a film composer need to know.Higly recommended course for any one who is interested in composing music for film
For the first time I found Cinematic Composing website I knew inmediately that this is exactly what I've been looking for. I've learn so much, I'm so happy.Higly recommended course for any one who is interested in composing music for film
The course is very good and helpful, the information is so detailed it makes it so much easier to understand.
This course is awesome and extremely helpful for all composers. It has helped me a lot with my compositions and gave me a better understanding of all instruments which helps me with my composition assignmetns for the "University of Sidney"I am truly grateful to Cinematic Composing.
Very informative courses doesn't matter how much do you know/familiar about instruments in general an explanation from the composers himself is setting your mind and focus in the rigth way
What I like the most about CC is the value that it gives you and all the learnings that you can get from top industry professionals!
One of the biggest perks of a traditional music school is networking with other talented composers. That's why we've created a private Facebook page designated for members to collaborate, share work, give/receive feedback, ask questions, share articles, and learn and grow together.
OH! and the MASTERCLASSES... (yes, the ones with HOLLYWOOD composers, orchestrators, mixing engineers, etc) [YES, YES! the ones that are ONLY available in this challenge... nowhere else!]
and the direct access to me...
and... the COMMUNITY of more than 9.000 people and growing (do you have any problem? don't stress out! :) Rest assured one of them has had it before ;) and will be more than happy to help YOU work through it! :)
FEEDBACK sessions (join one of these and a teacher will review your music)
Regular contests (win prices!!! yey!!!)
and THE BES OF THE BEST... DISCOUNTS to SAMPLE LIBRARES & PLUGINS to all our students!! 20% 30% 40% and up to 50% 🔥
“Ideal for those who want to get started in the art of writing music for orchestra”